Old Libraries Gallery
Digitization equipment spread.From the front matter of Catalogue of Stars by Caroline Lucretia Hersc
1. Book printed.2. Book microfilmed.3. New print copy produced from microfilm copy.4. New print copy
Scribbles. (1, 2, 3)
Distorted table of latitudes and longitudes.From p. 345 of A New and Complete Epitome of Practi
Blue links engage handwriting in the auto-table-of-contents.From p. 598 of Systematic Education: or,
Rear cover swerve.From the back matter of The Complete Works of the Rev. Andrew Fuller by Andrew Gun
Plates photographed through tissue.Throughout Arthur’s Home Magazine, vol. 54 (1886).
Acute textual triangle.From p. 61 of University of North Carolina Extension Bulletin (1922). Origina
Hole photographed with blue paper behind it.From p. 540 of Popular Electricity and the World&rsq
Employee’s hand.From p. 72-73 of Red Feather: A Comic Opera in Two Acts by Reginald De Koven a
Illustration photographed through tissue.The frontispiece to Dotty Dimple Out West by Sophie Ma
Foxing blurred by movement.From the front matter of On the Present Balance of Parties in the State b
Circulation slip, with checkouts between and 1977 and 2006.From the back matter of A Theory of Pure
Child’s autolinked writing-drawing.From the table of contents of Forget Me Not: A Gift for Sab
Football drawing or tracing.From the back matter of Football and How to Watch It by Percy Dunca
Marbled endpapers, with black-and-red optimization glitch.From the back matter of A Select Collectio
Illustrations left folded.Throughout Annual Report of the Buffalo Park Commissioners (1871). Or
“The maid-of-honor blooming fair:The page has caught her hand in his:Her lips are sever’
Collection of library stamps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
“Ah ha! You are at last in my domain, little fool!” Color process illustrati
“They took out their precious book.” Wood engraving by Joseph Swain, based on the
Street Musician. Etching by John Thomas Smith, for his book, “Lives of Famous Londo
“The southward journeying ducks, which would drop with loud quacking and splashing into the sh
“Beneath an apple-tree our heads stretched out toward the sea.” Color process illu