Orixá Gallery
bianca caydance
young wings
Yemanja/ Yemaya
Iemanjá, Yemoja, Yemaya,sculpture by Abayomi Barber (1971). National Gallery of Art, Nigeria.
Settlements of Orishas (igba orisa) at Oduduwa Orisa temple, Mongágua, Brasil
Oya/Yansan shrine, Brazil
Iemanjá (Yemaya/Yemoja) shrine, Brazil
Shango / Xango
Eshu/ Barra/ Elegua /Elegbara
Yemonja/Yemanja and Ibeji, Yoruba art
Yemaya (Iemanjá/Yemoja) altar at Cuba
Nicola Bacchilega ‘Orixa’
Hey Everyone! Check out the sneak peak for Chapter 2 of Itan: Part one! A graphic novel rooted in tr
Ibejis, twin orishas
Shango´s igba orisha from Cuba
Oya by André Hora
odofemi:Oxum by Menote CordeiroI think I have a new favourite painter. His series of Orixa paintings
Oxumarè - Orixá do Arco-Íris
nok-ind:The Yoruba Orisha Part 1 (Part 2)An Orisha (also spelled Orisa or Orixa) is a spirit or deit
Logun Ede, an Orixa specific to Candomble. The child of Oxum/Oshun (teal) and Erinle (gold)
#ṣọ̀pọ̀na #xapanã #obaluaiye #orisa #orixá #grabado #gravura #woodcut #xilogravura #xilo #holtzschni
Nicola Bacchilega ‘Orixa’
Temple and sacred grove of Òsun at Òsogbo, Nigeria
walmirsarchanjo:Exumare -Orixá <3Site: walmirsacontato.wixsite.com/meusite