Ouat Season 3 Gallery
deborah zlotsky
elisa sighicelli
weiyao wang
every snowing scene → 1x16: “heart of darkness”
every snowing scene → 1x16: “heart of darkness”
Nealfire Costume Porn for Season 3B - requested by mrgoldsdearie
Regina - Season 3a in Colors
From Karen’s twitter, her and Deniz on set of 6x05 “Street Rats”.
Beautiful Karen as Princess Jasmine, possibly from 6x05 “Street Rats”.
Princess Jasmine throughout 6x05 “Street Rats”.
Zelena in 6x09 “Changelings”.
The moment when Zelena is wearing something OTHER than green in 6x05 “Street Rats”.
A BTS of Robbie and Rebecca from S5.
Belle and Zelena looking very puzzled in 6x07 “Heartless”.
Hook and Captain Nemo (Faran Tahir) together for 6x06 “Dark Waters”.
ouatfashion:Hook and Emma together… and she’s in a great ballgown; from season finale(s) 3x21/3x22 “
From Robert’s twitter, he and Lana on set of S6.
More details of EQ in 6x07 “Heartless”.
Zelena and EQ in 6x06 “Dark Waters”.
Lana and Ginnifer as their characters on set of 6x07 “Heartless”.
BTS of the Evil Queen seen on set of S6.
The Evil Queen in 6x10 “Wish You Were Here”.
The Evil Queen and her details from 6x06 “Dark Waters”.
Lana in all her EQ glory with… fan gifts on set.
Costume moments in 6x07 “Heartless”.
Lana on set of 6x08 “I’ll be your Mirror”, from Instagram.
Lana on set of 6x09 “Changelings” as EQ.