Panlyra Gallery
tooyama kazuha
mochizuki jun
panlyra:Random gifs of Rose Tyler [37/?]
panlyra:Doctor Who + Ten & The MasterRequested by Anonymous
panlyra:Look at the sky. It’s not dark and black and without character. The black is in fact deep bl
panlyra:Make me choose memethe-pen-in-my-hand asked Ten & Rose or Eleven & Clara
panlyra:Clexa Appreciation Week Day 1 → Favorite intimacy moment(s)
panlyra:Clexa Appreciation WeekDay 3: Favorite scene(s)
panlyra: I thought me and him were…
panlyra:School Reunion // Journey’s End
panlyra:I’m sorry, but he’s dead.
panlyra:School Reunion // Journey’s End
panlyra:It’s like in the great stories…
panlyra:My name is Amy Pond. When I was seven, I had an imaginary friend.
panlyra:Clexa Appreciation WeekDay 3: Favorite scene(s)
panlyra:Random gifs of Rose Tyler [42/?]
panlyra:Commander Lexa appreciation week Day 3 - Lexa + Emotions
panlyra:Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it.
panlyra:What are you captain of, the Innuendo Squad?
panlyra: It’s all right for you. You can just come and go, but some of us have got to stay behind. S
panlyra: Me as a grown-up
panlyra: Wherever you areI won’t stop searchingWhatever it takes me to know [x]
panlyra: Okay, I give up.