Pdxartist Gallery
bird colors
Thanks so much for having me! Support my art work on Patreon and the store! . Featured: Maddy M Step
SWIPE 10 TIMES . Featured: Tiffany Stephan Partipilo Bare Feet Portrait Artist linktr.ee/spa
SWIPE 7 TIMES “You’re my golden hour, the color of my sky, you set my world on fire, and
Thanks so much for supporting me on Patreon and the Store. Being an independent artist is all I&rsqu
Earrings, acrylic on canvas, 2019“Among chronic diseases, Syphilis is the one of greatest freq
New postcards in today’s shop update… come on by….Cheers &n
Still catching up: adding a prompt element each day for Mab Grave’s Drawlloween Club.Day 12:&n
Day two: pumpkin… pumpkin heart for Drawlloween 2020
Day one: Werewolf for MabsDrawlloweenClub. Gonna add each prompt daily to one big drawing.
Some Good My Gentle Master for God’s Sake, acrylic on canvas, 2019Source: Three skulls showing
Mask, acrylic on linen, 2019Images painted from The Dr. Ikkaku Ochi Collection
Heart a day #8: tb paper sculpture valentine card I made a few years back.
New postcards in Etsy update tomorrow: halloween spookies, go USPS, and please, please V O T E !! ht
Mab Grave’s Drawlloween Club day 3: changeling
Day one and two: fish & whisp for Inktober 2020
Day of the Dead Show is now online guardinogallery.com S O L D : The three dead friend p
See the rest of this shoot at patreon.com/stephanpartipilo. . FEATURED: Finley x The Fair SP
Rest of this shoot is on Patreon! patreon.com/stephanpartipilo. . PHOTOGRAPHER: Stephan Part
FEATURED: PHOTOGRAPHER: Stephan Partipilo. CAMERA: Canon 5D Mk IV. LENS: LIGHTING: Natural, Flash, &
See this rest of this shoot at patreon.com/stephanpartipilo. . PHOTOGRAPHER: Stephan Partipi
See this rest of this shoot at patreon.com/stephanpartipilo. . FEATURED: Taylor PHOTOGRAPHER
ornaments for sale in my etsy shop….. please drop by!Cheers &nb
Shop update happening… lots of holiday cards, ornaments, jewelry, etc.Cheers. etsy.com/sh
New Halloween postcards in my Etsy shop. Stop by and take a look!eyefun.etsy.com