Pocket monsters Gallery
Hot young ass
056 MankeyHear no evil, speak no evil, and… well, evil is subjective, I suppose!(I won’
062 PoliwrathI think I was more excited about trying out these colors together than I was about draw
054 PsyduckAt some point in my life, drawing Psyduck became remarkably similar to drawing a self-por
049 VenomothI’m sure Venomoth is someone’s favorite Pokemon. This one’s for you! &
051 DugtrioMore creative liberties! Dugtrio is kind of a weird Pokemon. I imagine people would compl
047 ParasectHey, wait. That’s not the right mushroom…raizy@deviantArt
053 PersianBefore I settled on Raichu, Persian was my favorite Pokemon. It was my first favorite, ac
052 MeowthI probably don’t have the time to resume this “challenge” with any regul
055 GolduckRed, white, and blue! This reminds me of a certain popsicle…www.raizap.com
048 VenonatHmm. After painting this, the world seems a bit… desaturated.raizy@deviantArt
060 PoliwagA fuzzy lil’ experiment!www.raizap.com
045 VileplumeVileplume Yojimbo??? i guessraizy@deviantArt
pokescans:The Art of Pocket Monsters Special