Pronunciation Gallery
gfriend wallpapers
pronunciation | in-‘dur-a-tIz
pronunciation | fi-ni-‘fU-gal
other-wordly: pronunciation | ‘ap-i-tens
eliteprepsat:Pronunciation: [ ih-PIT-uh-mee ]
now, can we all pick a pronunciation for SEAX and stick that that one? hahaha
Here’s a sneak peak into what our Korean Pronunciation Map looks like!
Our first study tool is finally here! With our Korean Pronunciation Map, you can listen and compare
Review of three Korean textbooks: one focusing on Korean pronunciation, one one Korean listening ski
It’s Mi’kmaw Heritage Month, so it seemed like a good time to share this knowledge. And
The czech matchbox. :)
Learning Japanese: (1) Alphabet and Pronunciation Part 1A: Kana sounds Japane
Du weißt, dass du deutsch bist, wenn …du “tschechisches Streichholzsch&au
Du weißt, dass du deutsch bist, wenn …Kina oder China.(Submitted by anonym)
boggoth: arondeus: theotherguysride: academicssay: On poverty and pronunciation in academia Oh.
fjorn-the-skald: Old Norse Word #98 – liðDISCLAIMER | PRONUNCIATION (1, 2, sp.) | LESSONS(
other-wordly: pronunciation | ‘hEr-ITH (HEER-eyeth, with a hard th)submitted by | harry d.subm
apoetreflects: pronunciation | “sfa-lO-‘la-lE-a There’s a word for this? I lov
other-wordly:pronunciation | ‘hEr-rIth (HEER-eyeth, with a fast heer and a soft
other-wordly: pronunciation | ‘kI-ros (KYE-ross, English kEr-‘os (keer-OSS, Gre
cdrenorrington:Pronunciation Lesson with Pintel and Ragetti
The Musée du Louvre (French pronunciation: [myze dy luvʁ])—in English, the Louvre Museu
You have argued over the pronunciation of certain words with people not from New York.
Know your pronunciation, fab fashionistas! #fashion #repost
somethingsomethingrandomblog: ultrafacts: Dearest creature in creation,Study English pronunciation.I