Psychedelic Drug Gallery
str8 dicks
i can bring my pain
thehypnoswitch: First, blindfold. Dose with psychedelic or euphoric drugs, depending on taste. Mari
“La locura, a veces, no es otra cosa que la razón presentada bajo diferente forma.”
Anti-drug poster, Will they turn you on or will they turn on you, 1970. Unknown artist. Pu
Black and white roses
perks-of-being-psychedelic: ☯ Psychedelic Blog☯ Long Live The Young. Snapchat: realmsmelt
Please, send me colaborations
F U C K * T H E * A L I E N
Something my girlfriend made :)Purple XTC Bars200 - 230mg MDMAYellow ‘The North Face’20m
Open your third eye (With drugs)
B U T T E R F L Y ♢ C R Y S T A L S
I may or may not have been influenced by certain mushrooms here
I’ve been gone for SO long, so thanks for anyone who stuck by while I was gone. I was trying t
- psychedelic hoe
El cráneo en el universo.
Pretty blotter
say cheese
let me out
dance with me
infinte space has consequences impossible to comprehend… infinitely many processes identi
Gouache pyramide painted while i was flying high as a kite ✌️