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@hpeditsnet creation event: Get to know our members week☞ Day 4: Favorite shipRomione; Hermione Je
Charms • tʃɑːm/ • The art of controlling or achieving something by means of magic.
Parks and Recreation: Cartoon Edition!!!
Potions • ˈpəʊʃ(ə)n/ • The study of liquids with healing, magical, or poisonous properties
Curses and Spells
Defence Against the Dark Arts • dɪˈfɛns|əˈɡɛnst|ðə|dɑːk|ɑːtsɛ • The study and teaching
Astronomy • əˈstrɒnəmi/ • the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, stars,
Herbology • hur-bol-uh-‘jee, :ur- • The analysis or study of plants through Botany.
Divination • dɪvɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n • The practice of seeking knowledge of the future by supernatur
Something wicked this way comes.
Rare French edition of Marilyn’s Sensual Secrets book from 1981. Pictured with Ron Jeremy.
Hello everyone….I hope you all had a nice Holidays & a Happy New Year!! I wanted
Jimmy Page and Cindy Wells photographed by Ron Raffaelli in December 1969.After touring with the ban
Hugo Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Tablón de la habitación de Hugo Weasley:“Tanya visito Londres en Agosto para bai
Hugo Weasley
Hugo Weasley & Lily Luna Potter
Led Zeppelin in 1969 by Ron Raffaelli.
Hugo Weasley
“Sesión de fotos de Bartolome, el jarvey que le toco cuidar a Hugo en Cuidado de