Rubber Drone Gallery
nammon krittanai
tytan teepprasan
drone has all it needs
bare essence of drone
drone is pure
it is a good morning for drone
a drone must remain clean and shiny at all times
drone is just an object drone does not need to think for itself
drone maidalways on duty
after removal from its case, drone is dormant until programmed and activated
every aspect of drone existence is controlled
another drone ready to be programmed
drone yoga
drone storage cube
drone is ready
drone does not need to speak eitherdrone only needs to serve and obey
at home, drone is droneno name no face no identitydrone serves drone obeys
Lucky drone! A special chair just for you
no drone, removing the mask is not allowed
drone is equipped for all possible tasks and assignments
you will not be taking drone by the leashyou will be joining drone on a leashyou will serve you will
drone is held immobile for programming update
drone dolls serving together
completely blankas drone must be
drone exists to servedrone serves to exist
drone seeks perfection – to be more drone and less not drone