Rubber Face Gallery
be alive
warehouse churches
Renate Bertlmann, 1976-77 Renate Bertlmann :: Zärtliche Pantomime | Tender Pantomime, 1976. | origin
redneckowned:What. Good little faceless, no-identity little rubber nothing. On your knees on His lea
meisterlegend: Faceless, genderless, dehumanised - deprived of sight and hearing. Just a thing.
Who knows? Not me We never lost control You’re face to face With the man who sold the world Ph: @sr.
“Human” dog - pt.2
katerinapiglet: Rubber girl Katerina Piglet in Spainlatex by Follow Me: FACEBOOKINSTAG
muffleduk: seriousbondage: The real deal. Becoming just a faceless rubber package
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
no name no face no identity no freedomdrone servesdrone obeys
dronecan defy gravityor can it?
smooth blank obedience
at home, drone is droneno name no face no identitydrone serves drone obeys
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a
drone has no name, no face, no identity no freedom. drone is encased and dehumanized. drone serves a