Satoshi Ohno Gallery
└ Sasuga 5-man Arashi will always be 5. Cr: VS Arashi 3hr Special 14.11.2019
└ How to survive not be in bliss seeing these dudes~~Cr: IG Live 2020.03.19
I loved them then. I love them even more now.
Sharpen your senses and catch up.Ask your heart and its beat will respond. Locate the mas
Push your way through the darkness before you and find it. Even if you take the long way around, eve
Those around me call me lazy, but my true self is shrouded in haziness.
Arashi means STORM (in Japanese) and they literally bring rain with them everywhere they go.To me, A
A storm of fireworks couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions these amazing five stir in m
PURPLE for Jun.YELLOW for Nino.GREEN for Masaki.BLUE for Satoshi.RED for Sho.
The unwavering vow I made to the distant sky back then.It will surely reach the future.
Everyone experiences the same kind of regrets,but they don’t want their dreams to end.So t
D A Y L I G H T .
A fascination born out of the neon lights playing.Two silhouettes melting. The first touch that made
Everyone’s heart beats are resounding.It makes us tremble, dispelling the hidden darkness
Arashi performing P.A.R.A.D.O.X in the rain during Blast in Hawaii (2014).
Arashi’s (2010.02.02) Music Station performance for their song, Troublemaker. Sho was not phys
tegosaur: "Was it two, three years ago? When we were having concert in Osaka, I arrived there e
2019.11.03 ARASHI IG Live
2016.05.19 vs嵐 Daylight
asdfgh >/////< I died Ohmiya pets creditos en la imagen
jiimama: ARASHI 春・夏・秋・冬 music playlist
miyuki-arashi: Arashi - Josei Jishin 2014.10.14
omg ohmiya asdfghjk Creditos en la imagen