Social Democrat Gallery
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Very good and inspirational, Mike!
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Trying to wrap my head around how people couldn’t get over that Hillary Clinton was paid t
LiTeRaCy iS tOtALiTaRiAniSm
i-hate-chick-fil-a:Oh I love this one
politicalsci: This is amazing!
micdotcom: If you’re still confused about the label “democratic socialist,”
Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: We Need to Confront Trump’s Creeping Authoritar
Rest in piece
This 1970s Black Panther news paper shows Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao Zedong, honored for thei
And so begins my degree in politics, philosophy and economics, all whilst still working full time&am
Trying to wrap my head around how people couldn’t get over that Hillary Clinton was paid t
And so begins my degree in politics, philosophy and economics, all whilst still working full time&am
Democratic Socialists for Bernie! Join DSA Volunteer for Bernie
My comic about why we should all be activists. Made possible by my wonderful patrons at
Hi, my partner opened an Etsy shop. Go buy all the things, thanks.
I’ve read almost all the material you can on the Rojava Revolution [in english], the current e
November 16, 1985 — see Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #5
politicalsci: This is amazing!
icancauseaconstellation: German Democratic Republic. (by Socialism Expo.)
wizardpotions:Thank you The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991)
what it feels like living in this hell country rn
The United States boasts one of the most farcical democratic systems to have been invented. The coun
Niki Ashton is campaigning on a real democratic-socialist platform of social and economic justice. &