Soldout Gallery
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frank sp
Wow! Amazing #soldout show with CHIXDIGGIT! last night - huge thanks to the bands @boidsboidsboids @
Tonight!!! Doors at 9pm for a sweet #soldout show featuring CHIXDIGGIT! with special guests @boidsbo
Wow. That was beautiful. It’s hard to express all the emotion and love that goes into making s
Elixir #wizard @iwilldeny pours drinks into tiny cups while #wizard @joadsbagoads quietly photobombs
Wow!! Huge #thanks to everyone who joined us over the weekend in celebrating our 2 year #anniversary
Wow!! Amazing #soldout night of 90s PUNK ROCK - sweet sets from everyone - big thanks to all the ban
Another amazing #soldout night at the House of TARG - huge thanks to the bands, fans and @spectrason
Big thanks to everyone for another #soldout evening of #nye TARG celebrations - we are happy to repo
Amazing #soldout performance by the @theelwins and guests @moselyband - big thanks to @spectrasonic
The #love affair continues - big thanks to organizers and bands - night #1 of the SURF N TURF #fest
A wonderful #soldout night of #polka madness and dancing action from our pals in UKRAINIA! and BAD U
We had a very tiring but productive week slingin’ #perogies at the 2015 @ottawapinball and gam
Late night drawings at the House of TARG #Braindump session leads to puppet madness? Killer #soldout
Huge thanks to everyone for making last night’s SCALLY CAP BRATS show a #soldout affair - the
Huge thanks to everyone for a killer #soldout show last night, #metal is alive and well in #ottawa!!
Hahaha - Man, that TARG machine sure gets into trouble often - our monthly zine features THE ADVENTU
So stoked for tonight’s #soldout show featuring the return of cousin #Nestor and PUP w/very sp
Brunch, cartoons and the @ottawapunkpinball tournament on day #5 as our 1 year celebrations continue
Huge thanks to all the bands for donating your time and talent for last night’s #soldout punk
Big thanks to BA JOHNSTON for an amazing #soldout night - what an amazing show!!! Man, things really
Birthdays were celebrated and amazing sets were had by STELLA ELLA OLA and MACKENZIE RHYTHM SECTION
Punk cover night featuring RANCID #soldout - amazing sets from all the bands and over 1100$ raised f
Sorry, The Masterclass is FULLY SOLDOUT, even with the 2 slots added today.Thank you all for your tr
#Tbt: that time when @sabrinaateam stopped by the shop and attacked the caramel corn yesterday. Love