Song Dynasty 960 Gallery
audiemurphy1 asked
Song dynasty styled band
Song-dynasty hanfuModels: @林晨是半夜 @昭ling @林普莉玛prima @起个大早听鸡叫呀 @WRL1315 hanfu from: @鱼汤传统服饰 @HeidiQD
Chinese Hanfu tutorial: How to wear pants and two types of underwear in Song Dynasty. By 瞳莞 Model
Dancing and Singing (Peasants Returning from Work), Ma Yuan (1160-1225)
niniaday: Feng Zhiwei/Wei Zhi outfits All of her female costumes are Tang-dynasty ruquns, while mos
Traditional Chinese hanfu in song dynasty and ming dynasty style.Garments: 1.柳色•菱纹吴罗•立领斜襟琵琶袖长衫水色•刺绣仙
changan-moon:Cat & Song dynasty by 苏徵楼
Three Song dynasty figurines of men and officials
song dynasty style hanfu by -六十七-
Farmers Bank of China 50 cents 1936 with Song dynasty scenes of farming and the Liuhe Pagoda of Hank
s0irenic:《瑞鹤图》宋徽宗(赵佶,宋代第八位皇帝Zhao Ji, the eighth Emperor Of Song dynasty)
chinese hanfu by 唐家三炮
fouryearsofshades:江南桃花家 Chinese hanfu in the style of the
Waiting for Guests by Lamplight, Ma Lin, ca. 1250
changan-moon:Traditional Chinese fashion in tang, song and ming dynasty style. Hanfu makeup by 陌上初华手
Illustration of Chinese costume through the centuries:Han, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasty women
fouryearsofshades:Model 麻豆:@修老虎 Photographer 摄影:@糖糖糖衣重回汉唐汉服店 This Song Dynasty-style outfit consists
上春·鶯時 上身:黑色纏枝紋絞羅褙子 紅色龜甲紋綾上衣 白色素絹上衣 素絹抹胸 |下身:白色紗裙 素絹褲子
《風中奇緣》(Song of the Desert)(原名:《星月傳奇》、《大漠謠》)
recreation of historical chinese fashion by 此画怎讲
Hanfu from 瞳莞汉服工作室
song dynasty empress
Cat & Song dynasty by 苏徵楼
Traditional Chinese hanfu by 花间赋传统服饰