Soviet Russian Gallery
scene love
breakfast bowl
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, 1979Dir: Vladimir MenshovDoP: Valentin Chernykh
Valentina Bukhanevich-Antonova’s summer dress, 1938/39 Antonova (1907-1993) was wearing th
Anti-Religion Campaigns in the Soviet Union Karl Max called religion “the opiate of the ma
This may be weird for most of you but back in Soviet union kids who lived in in northern territories
Two Soviet sisters posing for a picture
Soviet female crane operator in 1970s
Waiting in line for the bus.
Soviet kids drinking Pepsi (late 1980s)
Soviet citizens on parade for 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth. I would say it was taken som
Soviet workers taking lunch with some kielbasa, bread and milk in those triangle boxes.
May 1st Demonstration
Soviet kids posing for a picture
Soviet soldiers in 1968 occupation of Czechoslovakia. Notice how the uniform didn’t change 23
Soviet kid waiting for a parade.
Ukrainian public market (although ran by government) in 1950s.
Soviet Paratroopers (Dessant) during an exercise of an attack.
Soviet soldiers working out before a parade
This variation of Kraz, heavy truck created specifically for cleaning up Chernobyl mess, was created
Soviet soldier posing with AK.
Soviet Turkmenistan workers picking cotton in 1980.
Soviet citizens in line to the movie theater in 1981
People waiting in line to get to Red Square for one of the Communist holidays
Soldier posing with an officer who is wearing Hero of Soviet Union. Anybody knows who the officer is
russianwave: Maps of the world from a 1988 Soviet Union Children’s book called мир и человек).