Sticker Slaps Gallery
‘Blue Klax Klan’ Sticker spotted in Mount Tabour, Portland, Oregon
Anti-cop stickers seen in Baltimore
‘Fuck Law & Order’Seen in Cardiff, Wales
Antifascist sticker spotted in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
“Anti-fascist Action” sticker spotted in Cardiff, Wales
“Fuck Nazi-Hipsters" Revolutionaere Antifascister sticker seen in Horsens, Denmark
“This is America” Sticker spotted in Washington DC, denouncing the imprisoning of migran
Some beautiful rad queer stickers seen in June 2019via: @snek-snek
“Fight Repression / Depression”Sticker seen in Brussels, Belgium
Sticker in Melbourne with the faces of prominent politicians in the Australian federal government
Anarchist stickers seen around Stockholm, Sweden
Some of the radical stickers and posters seen along Freeman Alley, in NYC
“Rent Strike” sticker seen in Portland, Oregon
“Smash Capitalism. Create Anarchy” Sticker spotted in Yokosuka, Japan
Anti-cop stickers spotted in Denver
“All Coronas Are Bastards" Seen in Liverpool, UK
“Racister er ynkelige / Racists are pathetic”Sticker seen in Copenhagen
“We are not asking for a free university. We are asking for a free society.Because a free univ
(via #killyourrapist #sticker #slaps #pink #toronto #fisheye - livinthedreameh @ Instagram Web Inter
#stickers #slaps #dichotomy #streetart
La Piña loca slaps
Plhegmy friend. #stickers #stickerslaps #slaps #clowns #drawings #neon #neonsharpies #rainbow #phleg