Stim Sand Gallery
almond granola
simone douglas
hamilton island
psychedelic rock
dont touch my butt
LISA FRANK STIMBOARDx/x/x x/x/x x/x/x
unidolized constellation maki nishikino stimboard for anon let me know if you need anything changed
Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid stimboard with cutting and meltingx x x/x x x/x x x
GNC male pride flag[ x x x | x x x | x x x ]
ponysource: raripie stimboard! x x x // x - x // x x x
goosebumps inspired 90s kid stimboard!x / x / x | x / x / x | x / x / x
Spencer Shay Stimboard!X | X | XX | X | XX | X | X
| |
“can you do a dib membrane from invader zim stimboard?? specifically his design from enter the
prideslime-moved:gay pikachux / x / x | x / x / x | x / x / x
cheriestim: elira pendora stimboard!!!️ ️ ️ / ️ ️ ️ / ️ ️ ️
Pastel blue stimboard for anon <333(Srcs: - - )
navystims: kanata from maimaimaigoen Stimboard for @wakustim-loopX | X | XX | X | XX | X | X
Ninjara (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @sensorygif @heavymetalstims @sushi-stims @nova-stims
GNC male pride flag[ x x x | x x x | x x x ]
Ruby Gloom stimboardx x x/x x x/x x x
Sand duo board with kinetic sand (I focused mostly on their desert location rather then their associ
✦ | Hunter & Flapjack Stimboard✧ ✧ ✧ | ✧ ✧ ✧ | ✧ ✧ ✧
Maui stimboard for anon !!!(Src: - - )
A stimboard for a Mr. Crow headmate with painting + mechanical + feather + kinetic sand stims in the
Spring Man (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @electricslime luxstims @peachslimes
Dr. Coyle (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @sensorygif @sensoryjar @sunshinestimming @sushi-sti
Kid Cobra (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @cave-stims @glazecake @sushi-stims @nanostims @warm
Byte & Barq (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @warmstim @satisfyz @nova-stims @sensorygi