Stlartmuseum Gallery
slam-islamic: Small Medallion Carpet, Turkish, 17, Saint Louis Art Museum: Islamic
slam-asian: Boulder with Design of Mountainous Landscape with Pavilions…, Chinese, early 18th centur
slam-asian: A Remarkable Episode in the Glory of the…, Utagawa Kokunimasa, 1894, Saint Louis Art Mus
slam-asian: At the Battle of Nanshan, First Lieutenant Shibakawa…, Ogata Gessan, 1904, Saint Louis A
slam-ancient:Amphora with Nike and Youth, Greek, 490, Saint Louis Art Museum: Ancient Artwww
slam-ancient:Funerary Stele of Thutmose, Egyptian, 1323, Saint Louis Art Museum: Ancient Art
slam-african:Vessel in the Form of a Seated Male…, Zapotec, c.200–300, Saint Louis Art Museum: Arts
slam-modern: Organic Forms (Striding Man), Rudolf Belling, 1921, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and
slam-ancient:Relief Fragment with Head of Soldier, Near Eastern, 5th century BC, Saint Louis Art Mus
“Marlene Dietrich Smoked Here” from Smoking Emigrants, Renata Stih, 2011–13, Saint Louis Art Museum:
Reclining Figure, Henry Moore, 1932, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artwww.
Box 45, Lucas Samaras, 1966, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary
In Deep Thought, Alfred Stevens, 1881, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artww
Seated Woman, Pablo Picasso, July 1953, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artw
Detached III, Rachel Whiteread, 2012, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artwww
Paysage à Smyrne, l’arbre mort, Jean Lurçat, 1926, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary A
Christmas for Export, Lisa Sanditz, 2007, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Arthttps:/
Water Lilies, Claude Monet, c.1915–26, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artww
Man with a Waterskin, George Minne, 1897, cast 1897–1903, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemp
“Billy Wilder Smoked Here” from Smoking Emigrants, Renata Stih, 2011–13, Saint Louis Art Museum: Mod
The Reading of the Bulletin of the Grand…, Louis-Léopold Boilly, 1807, Saint Louis Art Museum
Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower, Louise-Adéone Drölling, c.1820–22, Saint Louis Art Museu
Composition, Jean Hélion, 1933, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Artwww.slam.
Cell (Three White Marble Spheres), Louise Bourgeois, 1993, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contem