Stumpy Gallery
genesis 6
mlm illustrations
crackship manip
katsucon cosplay
OH THANK GOD YOU’RE BACK. Since your departure, treat dispensation has been at a record l
Dad left me for the weekend, so I’m being extra pouty. (except I love my dogsitter, so thi
Did you not get the memo about head scratches? Yeah… You see, you’re not suppos
Hello, I believe you were looking for a volunteer with the Chicken Utilization and Disposal project?
A tricolor trifecta!! ❤️❤️❤️ #omg #yes #loveit #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #instapets #petstagram #
Brace yourselves… The cutepocalypse is upon us. This is but one of the hundreds of photos
The shadows are long / And despite the fading light / Short my legs remain. “Shadows,&
Hm. I dunno. I don’t see the resemblance dad. I think the artist in #cowboybebop really di
Can *I* have some strawberry frozen yogurt bar dad?? I promise I won’t snatch it out of yo
My furiend @foxmandu_corgi’s mommy was holding a treat. We were being extorted! We were su
I hope you weren’t planning on laying down? #wouldntdreamofit #yourmajesty #itsherbed #pe
… It’s right behind me, isn’t it!? #awildcorgiappeared #lilikoiUsedA
Dad took me to the Mill Creek Street Festival today, and we saw TWO other corgis!! #aintnopartylike
What do you mean, you’re going to work? Your Outlook calendar says that you have a 0600-14
#tbt to Lilikoi’s business retreat to Deception Pass, Washington, where she was stunned to
I’m just gonna take a nap, you don’t need to go anywhere, right dad? Those runni
Hey dad! Look! I’m a flutist! #aw #youresosilly #fetch #stick #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pw
Yes? Do you need something, dad? Can’t you see I’m getting my beauty sleep? #be
Excuse me, Butler? My yogurt hath runneth dry, please do rectify this situation. #yesmaam #rightawa
Despite her best efforts, Lilikoi can’t quite seem to do a heel click. It would seem that
#tbt to Corgi Fun Day in 2014! A photographer for the local news took this picture of me and my Huma
Peach: “Corgi please come back, or the waves will sweep you out to sea!”Me: &l
evaamputee: Fit stumpy! More videos at:
evaamputee: NEW VIDEO, LINK IN BIO! SEXY HIP STUMPY! www.instagra