Stupidape Gallery
longtime exposure
thepsychicpaper:stupidape:Does he still stroke bits of the TARDIS?Shoutout to David Tennant for walk
stupidape:Gif request meme - 16th-of-a-twigg asked: Merlin + favorite episode: The Sins of the Fathe
stupidape:Make me choose: anon asked: Classic Who or New Who
stupidape:Make me choose: Anon asked: Rose or Yasmin
sopheirion:make me choose: Twelfth Doctor or Ninth Doctor asked by @stupidape
stupidape:100 favorite Doctor Who quotes [55/100] → Doctor, she is returning.
stupidape:The Lord of the Rings Meme | five friendships [4/5]→ The Fellowship
sopheirion:make me choose: Twelfth Doctor or Ninth Doctor asked by @stupidape
shirewalker: make me choose → @stupidape asked: arwen or éowyn
stupidape:Sassy Nine is having none of your shit
stupidape:One gifset per episode: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
stupidape:This is Chicago, kid. You can’t beat fresh blood on the walls.
stupidape:Do you know what the hardest thing about knowing you was?Letting you go.
stupidape:Wallpaper version (x)
stupidape:Merry Christmas!
stupidape:Never trust a hug. It’s just a way to hide your face.
stupidape:Doctor Who rewatch : season 1 - Rose
stupidape:Make me choose: takemeawaytocamelot asked: Sweet or Evil Morgana
stupidape:I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.
kiraslight:make me choose: Twelfth Doctor or Ninth Doctor asked by @stupidape
stupidape:Companion Meme: 3 friendships: Companions
stupidape:8 Doctor Who moments that completely broke my heart