Takasugi Shinsuke Gallery
Small no tits
sorting hat
kupukubu:unforgettable memory
Source: twitter.com/uro_gk/status/671691725648371716
Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54369003
Source: twitter.com/skgntk/status/678560040744124416
[Gnome] if you are at the same table, how would you like?
shinsuke the edgelord
Hangin’ out for that reunion ep when these four are back together again.
gintama 2016 calendrierto buy it (japanese version): www.neowing.co.jp/product/NEO
Shinsuke Takasugi from Gintama (2009)
Tonight I’m in edge city, bitch. Edge edge city.
Gintama Doujinshi - Toki MomentRelive your memories of Gintama anime, with this special illustration
more scribbles of the baealso gintoki lording the few centimeters he’s got over takasugi is bo
no author
Gintama All About War Postcards SetWe all love Gintama for its humour and fun, but we also love it w
Day 14/15 - Clock / Weak
Gintama live action parody N°3✨Knocked down and still sexy ahahahaha kill me
- 初キス -First kiss ♡♥︎
♡ 9/10 ♥︎Happy GinTaka day ✨
Their catch fight in the live action movie definitely makes it worth watching ✨
「メンズ2人用ブリーフ」- 2 men brief /GinTaka ver/Inspired from this => twitter.com/hinekurebow/
夜叉督 - YashaToku… What did you expect.
Squid combi from the new Kyoto designs ♥ (although Gintoki’s not wearing his hat, meani
Source: twitter.com/hnabivv/status/743445515434549250