Tattoo Pierced Gallery
malika ayane
BLOOMModel: EydisPhotographer: Smashbase
DAYLIGHT DAZEModel: PastelPhotographer: Leemalee
AMOUR INTERDITModel: Avrora & NerwenPhotographer: Akril
SUNFLOWER HONEYModel: GiraflowPhotographer: Frani
FROM SARDINA WITH LOVEModels: Rika & WaleryaPhotographer: Minuminula
SIPPING PRETTYModel: VexliPhotographer: Cygnet
A PAGE OF HISTORYModel: NinaQPhotographer: NinaQ
digitaladultgirls:Bite me please !!!
CARE GIRLSModels: Dawud & FlaPhotographer: Thimeow
LES INDISCRÈTESModel: GiunoPhotographer: R_Girardi
When in Brooklyn
Nyc livin
Treat People with Kindness
Jumpsuits are
CUZZIModel: ValoraPhotographer: Caustix
SOMETHING SPECIALModel: CoolicioPhotographer: Penny
THE LITTLE MERMAIDModel: ElisarosePhotographer: Sajulispace
Starting at the Shake Shack next to me
Cause I love Colombia
Highlight to the Gods✨
18 on the 18th in 2018
“ The most sincere form of pleasure doesn’t come from the lover’s fingertips..”-EleniPhoto Credit: C
To a great first car, Amy you’ve been one hell of a ride the past year. Ima really miss ya
SWEET LEAFModel: RosiePhotographer: Zen