Thisblueboy Gallery
olya gussy
punk zine
thisblueboy:Matthias Stom (Amersfort, Netherlands1600-after 1650 Sicily), Gaius Mucius Scaevola in t
thisblueboy:Luca Giordano (Naples 1634-1705), Jupiter and Antiope, Sotheby’s
thisblueboy:Jan Miel (Flemish, 1599-1656), Cares, Bacchus and Venus, 1645, Sotheby’s
thisblueboy:Hermes, Hadrianic copy (early 2nd century AD) of the Greek original bronze by Praxiteles
Francesco Hayez (Venice 1791-1881 Milan), Philoctetes Wounded, 1818-20, MAMbo, Bologna
thisblueboy:Jacques Reattu (French, 1760-1833), Male Nude Study, 3rd quarter of 18 century, Musee Re
thisblueboy:Jacopo Bassano, also called Jacopo dal Ponte (Italian, 1510-1592), The Good Samaritan, c
thisblueboy:Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called il Guercino (Italian, Cento 1591-1666 Bologna), Herc
thisblueboy:Jacques Reattu (French, 1760-1833), Half length figure of semi-nude man, 1789, Musee Rea
thisblueboy:Pietro Testa (Lucca 1612-1650 Rome), Aeneas on the Banks of the River Styx, Sotheby’s
thisblueboy:Nicolas Poussin (French, 1594-1665), Landscape with Antique Tomb and Two Figures, ca.163
thisblueboy:Jacob Marrel (Frankenthal, Germany 1614-1681 Frankfurt), Still Life of Flowers, with mel
thisblueboy:Fulchran-Jean Harriet (French, 1776-1805), Battle between Horatii and Curiatii, 1798
thisblueboy:Charles Marie Bouton (French, 1781-1853), Gothic Chapel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,