Tribal Art Gallery
marin country
still tired
A Haida or Tlingit Polychrome Frog Effigy Food Bowl, circa 1880-1890
Reverse of costume , Mongolian shaman’s garment.
Yup'ik Polychromed Wood Mask of oval, slightly convex form, encircled by three wooden hoops secured
Tiger Chinese Child’s Hat
Ear ornaments from Burma. Pair of silver earrings and golden ear stud with rubbies.
virtual-artifacts: Arm ornament; possibly made by the Edo people. Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria Bro
Golden ringsin form of a scorpion and a lion, Ghana, Ashanti (1, 2)Read more: http://www.tribal-art-
Vase of Immortality with the Head of a Wind-Horse and the Precious JewelTibet (by a Newar artist), 1
‘Okanku’ masquerade. Mask called 'Otili’.Cross River Ibo. Ohaffia take
Antique Silk Ikat Robe from Uzbekistan Central Asia, circa 1850
Vintage photo of tajik girls embroidering Suzani, traditional textiles of Central Asia.
Turkana adornments part 2:1. A woman and child in Napak village. Photograph: Goran Tomasevic/Reuters
Terracotta lip plates from the Mursi people of the Lower Omo Valley, southeastern Ethiopia | 19th ce
Tuareg Veil Weight - ASSROU N’ SWOUL - NigerGeometric layers of bronze, brass and copper.Cm. 8
Veil weights, Tuareg peoples of Mali(1, 2) Veil weights made of copper and brass.(3)Photo from Tiski
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Tiered hat with brass discs (botolo).20th century. Ekonda peoples, Democratic Republic of CongoCoile
Head of an Oba, 16th century (ca. 1550), Nigeria, Edo peoples, court of Benin, Brass, 23.5 cm | The
Plaque: Warrior and Attendants, 16th–17th century Nigeria; Edo peoples, Court of BeninBrass; H. 18 &
Breast Ornament (civa vonovono)Republic of the Fiji Islands, circa 1850Jewelry and Adornments; masks
Tsimshian artistRaven hat, late 19th centuryWood, paint, clothNorthwest Coast, North AmericaL: 24 in
Karaja ijaso mask & rattles
Haida artistCane, late 19th centuryWoodSkidegate, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Col
Headdress worn during naming ceremonies, probably Tembé (Tembe) (attributed said to have been collec