Tumblr Radar Gallery
tight swimsuit
ancient memes
Slight Detour
Want to talk about something other than the Super Bowl? Monday Morning Dispatch is out with the best
Pure Chaos // Handheld Series
Migration // Handheld Series
They’re Coming // Handheld Series
Unnoticed // Handheld Series
Green Light // Handheld SeriesMonday Morning Dispatch - Volume #64 is out! Check out the best from l
Full Mummer // Handheld Series
karasouza-photo: karasouza-photo: 7/15/13 Who is even on tumblr on Monday? Radar#2 this year. This
Tuk Tuk Life | Bangkok, Thailand
Motivational. Fariedesign | Society6 | Facebook | Behance
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mar
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” -Bob Marley. Fariedesi
It will leave you with a stronger chain. Fariedesign | Society6 | Facebook | Behance
cruel sarcasm is fun. Fariedesign | Society6 | Facebook | Behance
Incredible captures of lightning at 7200 frames/second.
02 Giugno 2017 Fiori
At the fractures of the first second after the big bang. Fariedesign | Society6 | Facebook
Everything’s fine.. Keep shopping. Fariedesign | Society6 | Facebook | Behance
Incompleteness. for more artworks: Fariedesign
What would you edit about your heart? fd on tumblr l fd on facebook
think unconditionally. fd on tumblr l fd on facebook