University Studyblr Gallery
ate it
5am.rainingI talked about this in my recent video, but I’ve been using the @lavendaire Artist
5am.rainingI posted a new video on my YouTube! After watching some of Cindy Guentert-Baldo’s @
1/100 days of productivity // (woah original content??) I found a great place to study in peace and
Assignment Checklist Free Printable (PDF in Google Drive)Keep your assignments looking professional
wordsmithic:Studying in Greece: Ioannina
College is the coolest time ever because people will literally pay you to live and learn in another
planning the final paper for a seminar about matisse ☕️
June 29 2021 | I got my first mildliners when I entered University 5 years ago. There are a lot of t
misty mornings at magdalen college, oxford
oxford is looking very autumnal
magdalen college in december. take me back to oxford ⭐️
Espresso is my friend
1/3/2016:Morning studying. Notes from yesterday while having breakfast together with my birdy friend
Cornell Note Taking System
Start your day with good and healthy food and make the day count. Your brain runs on glucose so frui
8.01.2019«Let the chemistry game begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!»P.s. my mother accept
Just Coffee 2 ☆ | Ngl I feel overwhelmed with the mountain of work I’ll be facing over the next few
Just Coffee 3| 4 weeks of the quarter left until finals but still so much to do( ´ - ` )
Took my last ever prelim today ‼️ only perk of growing up