Urbe Gallery
japanese housewife
drop cliffs
Willy HO
Tess of the D’Urbervilles (2008) dir. David Blair
Tess of the D’Urbervilles (2008) dir. David Blair
aseaofquotes: Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’Urbervilles
themostexquisitelady: Gemma Arterton in Tess of the D’Urbervilles
mademoisellelapiquante: Gemma Arterton in Tess of the D'Urbervilles - 2008
modern lit heroines: tess durbeyfield, tess of the d'urbervillesshe was no longer the milkmaid, but
工場に転用された廃校Abandoned school
Primary School with Manikin人体模型のある小学校,日本
和洋折衷別荘Abandoned villa.
Obsolete cable railway. Ⅱ
A Modern Ruin.
suspend:Urbex Neoclassic Magnificence by opi3ss3 on Flickr.
夏の朝 夢の跡Abandoned mine Ⅳ
整然と片付けられた廃小児科Abandoned clinic.
Abandoned Coffin Factory棄てられた棺桶工場,日本
Aioi Primary School - B相生小学校,日本
Kishu Mine紀州鉱山,日本
Obsolete cable railway.
Rainy weekend
瓶詰めヒヨコ廃校Abandoned school
On the banks of the brook… Ⅱ
Malsis. North Yorkshire, England.Went here in the hope of Urbex but way too late. Malsis Hall is set
Abandoned school on the hill. Ⅱ
Abandoned school on the hill.