Warhammer 40k Gallery
lori adamski-peek
jake marisnick
movie wardrove
miski original
heart gift
Here be Dragons by John Stone
A friend from my Virgina gaming days came up to Pittsburgh to visit a while back, bringing his absol
Tactical Sgt. Leandros of the 244th Company, 24th Chapter of the Ultramarines Legion ( circa006.M31
Knight Parade by JG O’Donoghue(Wrath & Glory Artwork)
The happiest little Screamers.
Ultramarines Vs Necrons by RonanToulhoat
tylerdscott:Raiders of the Lost Light by Klaus. Holy moly, that OSL.
Making of my Dark Heresy notepad. Couldn’t stand making notes on my character sheet.
Warhammer 40k Gingerbread purity seals! :)
Make a will save to resist the awesomeness of this necklace! This purple and grey swirl necklace is
Luxanno of the Star Commanders Custom primaris space marine chapterCommissioned work.
BLACK LEGION by nachomolinaArtist’s commentI´m so happy to show my first illustration for Games Work
2 x Lascannon4 x Grenade Launcher2 x Vox2 x Platoon Commander6 x Snipers
BT-7 HellhoundRagnarok Battle Tank with relic cannonNew commander for a Ragnarok VanquisherHalf-trac
Thunderer Siege TankTaurox PrimeCarnadon Tank with full Multilaser loadoutHalftrack used as a standa
First plastic sisters painted…- Retributor squad- Repentia Superior / Mistress of Repentance
Some old and one new Sister of Battle
Scratchbuilt Ragnarok Exterminator
warhammer-fan-art:Flavia by a6a7.deviantart.com/
Brother Dimetrius and Living Saint. Last year’s work.
We have a little time until December 17.
Continuation of that strip.
ancientabysm:Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War