Wiktoria Gallery
eyeless girl
blind girl
quaffled: ❝ i will follow you into the dark ❞@siri
flowure: goldoux: heavenleh: H E A V E N L E H Have courage and be kind xx @wiktoria.miliczek // Mor
flowure: inspodior: I N S P O D I O R insta: @wiktoria.miliczek Lush
flowure: inspodior: I N S P O D I O R insta: @wiktoria.miliczek Lush
flowure:vougiest:v o u g i e s t@wiktoria.miliczek // More at FlowureHave courage and be kind xx
gholdist: pahlette:gholdist:flowure:mauvexh:M A U V E X H@wiktoria.miliczek // More at Flowure Be yo
Autor: Arkadiusz Ławrywianiec. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach. Aleksandra Kwiatkowska i Wiktoria Ma
flowure:vougiest:v o u g i e s t@wiktoria.miliczek // More at FlowureHave courage and be kind xx
flowure: ghinseng: wohlfee: W O H L F E E ghinseng @wiktoria.miliczek // More at Flowure Rosetty
flowure: inspodior: I N S P O D I O R insta: @wiktoria.miliczek