Wild Florida Gallery
yoonjin 4 life
noriko honma
furry zebra
Tiny mangoes are forming
Cannon ball tree (Couroupita guianensis)Through all my travels, and people’s private plant collecti
Water lilies on a cloudy dayToday what stood out wasn’t the beauty of the water lily, but the contra
Jamaican Croton (Graptophyllum pictum)After having this bush planted by the front entry for several
Oxalis debilisAnother beautiful weed.
Ages ago we went to a wild sculpture installation at McKee Gardens in Vero Beach. So surreal seeing
Beauty even in dead palm fronds.
Faceted Rhodocrosite Necklace //WildandFreePeople
A couple of photos from my trip last month to the Everglades where I was able to get up close and pe
So many birds at this reserve, I couldn’t not photograph them.
Fact: Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) can fly. They also sport rather fabulous reed head pie
A great blue heron Ardea herodias posing on a branch as the sun sets in the background.
Welcome to the Spanish Moss Tillandsia usneoides vortex.Spanish moss isn’t actually a
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodiasA large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common near the sho
Willet Tringa semipalmataThe willet is a large shorebird in the sandpiper family. It is a good-
its-enough-believe-me: Feeding Manatees at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, Florida.
Saw this frog yesterday not sure yet what kind it is but I will find out #frog #amphibian #wildlife
Roseate spoonbill in flight #birds #roseatespoonbill #spoonbill #florida #birding #birdwatching #wil
Black skimmer bird in Florida #birds #flying #florida #wildlife #skimmer #birdwatching #photooftheda
Florida osprey #birds #florida #osprey #birding #birds #birdwatching #wildlife #dailyphoto #photooft
Hummingbird checkin everything out #hummingbirds #birds #wildlife #florida #flying #birding #birdwat
Fact: Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) can fly. They also sport rather fabulous reed head pie
Econlockhatchee Wilderness Area, Florida (5472 x 3648) - Author: scampia on reddit