Witch Stones Gallery
olgun türk alet
alaskan halibut
ᚦThurisaz2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring stones and pla
Telluric Tarot- Moonstone and poppyTarot equivalent to Four of Swords- Rest, mental restoration, tru
Telluric Tarot- Diaspore and magnoliaTarot equivalent to the Queen of Cups (because diaspore is abso
Telluric Tarot- Citrine and Vetch (Vicia orobus)Tarot equivalent to Six of Pentacles- Charity, gener
atreewithagrapeonit:we love stones
Telluric Tarot- Swords equivalents part 2 Cinnabar with Blackthorn (Five of Swords)Amethyst with Wi
Irish Ogham series- Sixth feda/letter, Uath, ‘fear’ or ‘white-thorn’ (hawthorn) paired with thomsoni
I can’t enter a forest without hunting for pretty stones, berries and other treasures. That&rs
theoldstone:Adder Stones (sometimesalso called hag stones, witch stones, serpent’s eggs, snake’s egg
Irish Ogham series- Fourth feda/letter, Sail, ‘willow’ paired with aquamarine beryl
Irish Ogham series- Fifteenth feda/letter, Ruis, ‘redness’, associated with elder tree and paired wi
Second of the early Irish Ogham: Luis, “blaze”, associated with rowan treeMeaning: Protection, conne
“There are čerti, demons and devils, in Die schwarze Mühle, The Black Mill. They wear mill stones ar
ᚱ Raido2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring stones and plant
ᛟ Othala2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring stones and plan
Cloud appreciation post. Photos by: @lavendersagekisses #BookOfShadows #Crystals #EclecticWitch #Fl
Happy Samhain, witches! #BookOfShadows #Crystals #EclecticWitch #Flowers #Herbs #Magick #Nature #Pl
I took these photos of the sky last month at the park while playing #PokemonGo . #BookOfShadows #Cr
I am celebrating a few things this month: Reaching 5,500 followers (Hi! Thank you!!), as well as upg