Stuck in Walls
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brielarsan:Lena Luthor totally doesn’t know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, pt 2. (insp.) Bonus:
ohmyalec:brucewvayne:marvel edition- inspired by (x)“ #DO ONE WITH CLINT “ - bonus for jdrox:
emissary-architect:do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?bonus:
miamitu:absolute defeat.inspired by this[ twitter | IG ]Bonus:He could probably break out of it by s
Bonus daily doodle of some zebras doing smooches, inspired by Rp with @angrylittleburd, featuring hi
cinematicnomad:9-1-1 ▸ inspired by this post by @from-nova+bonus:
imwhe:Obi-Wan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Life as a Jedi (insp.)bonus:
tobyzieglerintraining:(insp) + bonus:
classoholic:davinaclaires:Mike “Athletics? I Don’t Know Her” Wheeler (insp)bonus:@sevdrag
vikander: alfonsoccuaron: Inspired by (x) Bonus:
Future Gadget..with bonus Penny and Brain! I always thought brain should be a cyborg dog, dammit…
redbelles:+ bonus:PACIFIC RIM (2013) + letterboxd reviews↳ insp. & insp.
starfleetrambo: starfleetrambo:starfleetrambo: inspired by a dream I had Bonus:Bonus II:
ltsuitsyou:Star Wars+boys (insp.)bonus:
kingsmanposts:charlesxavierofficial:Cinnamon Rolls of Kingsman: The Secret Service (insp)bonus:A BOT
softboysam:stranger things 2? fantastic. inspired by this post+bonus
nalaliaromanova:Game of Thrones 6x10 “The Winds of Winter” - a summary (insp. by @corlgrimes)Bonus:
brittany-snow:(insp)Bonus:and:(x), (x)
majortallmadges:are you ben tallmadge af? [insp.]bonus:
cinematicnomad:9-1-1 ▸ inspired by this post by @from-nova+bonus:
aryastaark:2020: The Year From Hell(Insp. by this and this)+ bonus
pureheroines:ATONEMENT (2007, dir. JOE WRIGHT)LETTERBOXD REVIEWS (insp)+ bonus:
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