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日本庭園 Japanese Garden
Several Koi swimming in a stream of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.Did you know?:
A small hill with “Kinmei Moso Chiku” bamboo in front of the Chiku-in tearoom in the Shō
Another view of the Soan “Shōkadō” in the inner garden of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata Cit
A suikinkutsu in front of the Soan “Shōkadō” in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Pr
The entrance to the Soan “Shōkadō” in the inner garden of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata Cit
Chiku-in tearoom in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
A suikinkutsu near the Baiin Tea Room in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
A suikinkutsu near the Baiin Tea Room in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
The entrance to the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture. There are a lot of bamboos in this
Today’s featured word is バレンタインデー(barentainde)which means, you might have guessed it, Valentin
Need to brush up on some vocab and kanji knowledge? We got you covered with this handy winter vocab
catseye477540:千代紙風あお松 赤い傘 日本庭園
2018/11/10 :: 加計 吉水園の一般公開RICOH GR
2018/11/10 :: 加計 吉水園の一般公開RICOH GR
日本庭園 見ながら ゆ~~ったり ランチ~~~
岡崎城・岡崎公園 茶室 城南亭・葵松庵 / Okazaki Castle Park Tearoom Garden, Okazaki, Aichi 愛知県岡崎市の都市公園『岡崎公園』の茶室『城南亭・葵松
近水園 / Omizuen Garden, Okayama ② 岡山市・足守の大名庭園『近水園』が素敵…! 北政所(ねね)の兄・木下家定が藩祖の足守藩主・木下家。江戸時代中期に『京都仙洞
吉田山荘 / Yoshida Sanso Garden, Kyoto 京都市の『吉田山荘』の庭園が素敵…! 6/6(月)までカフェ真古館で『山崎さおり 茶器展』、離れで『真砂三千代の茶衣
伝心庵 / Denshinan Garden, Kyoto ② 京都市の『伝心庵』の庭園が素敵…! 世界遺産・龍安寺、仁和寺から程近く…“京都を彩る建物や庭園&
Feel the Japanese Mood Adachi Museum of Art, located in Shimane Prefecture, has great Japanese garde
KKR逗子松汀園 / KKR Zushi Shoteien Garden, Zushi, Kanagawa 神奈川県逗子市の旅館『KKR逗子松汀園』の庭園が素敵…! 逗子のビーチに徒歩3
正法寺庭園 / Shobo-ji Temple Garden, Yawata, Kyoto 京都府八幡市の『正法寺庭園』が素敵…! 徳川家康の後妻で尾張徳川家初代 #徳川義直 の母 #お
善法律寺庭園 / Zenporitsu-ji Temple Garden, Yawata, Kyoto 京都府八幡市の『善法律寺』が素敵…! 国宝“石清水八幡宮”
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