18th Dynasty Ancient Egypt Art
embroidery dress
allgiuliana giuliana
in layouts
sleeveless dresses
Doggystyle amazing ass
Mother Presenting her Prayed-for Child to the Temple,18th c. China
Goddess Hathor breastfeedingAmenhotep IIThe cow goddess Hathor breastfeeding young prince, later kin
Hieroglyphic decorations from the temple of the 18th Dynasty female pharaoh Hatshepsut (r. ca. 1479-
Chair of Queen Sitamun, daughter of Queen Tiye and Amenhotep III
Statue of DuamutefDuamutef, one of the Four Sons of Horus, protectors of the mummified organs of the
Sokaris receiving gifts from Thutmose III in Anubis temple, Hatshepsut temple, Deir el-Bahari
Wooden statuette of Queen Ahmose-Nefertari dating to the reign of 18th dynasty founder Pharaoh Ahmos
Ancient Egyptian paintings from the tomb of Menna, late reign of Thutmose IV - early reign of Amenho
Dancers and musicians from the tomb of Nebamun, 18th dynasty; Reign of Amenhotep III–Akhenaten
Broad Collar, reign of Thutmose III, Dynasty 18
Relief depicting singers and harp players, from the Tomb of Meryra, high priest of the Aten during r
Murals from the tomb of a royal scribe named Roy, steward in the estate of King Horemheb, late 18th
Valley of the Kings, Tutankhamen’s Tomb, Details fromfrescos representing Tutankhamun in front
Tomb of Djeserkareseneb circa 1422-1411 BC 18th dynasty
lionofchaeronea:Granodiorite head of the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep II (r. ca. 1427-1401 BCE).
Wooden mummy mask from 18th dynasty Egypt
theancientwayoflife:~ Nefer pendants and beads.Culture: EgyptianPeriod: New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty Da
18th dynasty Egyptian mural of a woman kneeling before an offering table, 18th circa 1450 B.C.
Tutankhamun is welcomed by Osiris. Wall painting from the tomb of Tutankhamun showing his burial.
Ancient Egyptian NumbersRelief depicts ancient Egyptian numbers, detail of a carving on the Third Py
Women at a Banquet from the tomb of Rekhmire,reign of Amenhotep II of the 18th dynasty, 1479-1425
Soldiers honouring their lord, late 18th dynasty; c. 1336-1327 B.C.
Representation of the defied 18th dynasty queen Ahmose-Nefertari; 20th. dynasty (ca. 1152-1145 BC) f
Wooden statuette of the deified Queen Ahmose-Nefertari (18th dynasty)
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