2019 Summary
2019 Art Summary
my 2019 art summary!!! wish i could add more of my art from june-december because i made so much stu
CONGRATS YALL WE MADE IT! 2021 was turbulent as heck - in 2019-2020 I felt a bit *yawn* with my art,
(*゚ロ゚) oh my….2019 began with Hypmic….and ended with Hypmic?! Totally didn&
I’m sorry I don’t really have much to show you at the end of the year aside of those las
2019 Summary of ArtMy favorite pieces I did from each month. If you’d like to support
my art summaries in the last two years! its been a huge learning curve and thank you for the support
Forgot to post this earlier, but here’s my 2019 art summary and my 2018 one for comparison
Art Summary 2019Another year has gone by which means it’s time for another art summary! I
this was one of the hardest years of my life but i still made some of my best work. i just hope 2019
Happy New Year :) Thank you to all of you who have been following my art platforms and showing
There! Finally completed my 2019 art summary This year was real wild lol. I’ve learned so much
2021 art summary!! (+ some from 2020 & 2019)am I happy with this overall year’s progre
I never did one of these before, so now at the end of this decade I finally managed to follow throug
kanteryuuzen: 2019 ART SUMMARY!! 2019 is really a bumpy year for me, but I’m super glad I can
2019 ART SUMMARY!!2019 is really a bumpy year for me, but I’m super glad I can still manage to
I only now realise how much of a DORK I was and never posted my 2019 art summary. TBF, I didn&r
2019: the year of smooches, both in my art and in my life (hi, @wafflefoxalpha c;;; ). Can I get 202
Some of this year’s personal favorites. I definitely feel like my background game has been imp
It’s been quite a year for me. Difficult, hard to get through, lots of unfavorable develop
2019 is over, and with that comes the end of the decade as a whole.The past few years haven&rsqu
I dipped on tumblr pretty much but I still like to upload these summaries on my blog! December you c
Summary of del’s 2019: basically creek.2019 is definitely the first time ever I dare to post a
my 2019 art summary! i have improved, slowly but surely! i’ve gotten far better at shading and
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