4k Desktops
travel diary
All of these wallpapers can be found here, by Oh So Lovely! Subscribe to their email to get an updat
As always, I will link and source below, if I’m not able to find the source and you know who it belo
All of these wallpapers can be found on Stylish & Co! Click the link to check out all of them!
Oh Look, Butterflies, Digital.Found on Reddit, here.
All of these super cute wallpapers were made by Sarah Hearts and can be found on her website! There
All of these wallpapers are from The Every Girl! Click here to check them out!
These are all from Every Tuesday! I’ve experienced some problems downloading them from the site but
Surprisingly enough, these wallpapers were made in partnership with Clorox!
Summer wallpapers!Sri Lankan Boats - Suranga WeeratungaMisty Mountains - Needs SourceSonnenlicht - M
All of these adorable wallpapers were made by Caley Hicks! Go check out her portfolio and buy someth
October is here!October - Victoria Bilsborough / Bilsy.coHappy Halloween - UnknownJack O’Lanterns -
All of these wallpapers were made by Jo & Judy! Go subscribe to their newsletter!
All of these wallpapers were made by Rachel Anderson!
All of these can be found on Smashing Magazine and you can subscribe to them so you don’t miss futur
These can all be found in the Microsoft Windows Store App or from there site here. These ones are li
All of these images are ones I’ve found either online or through deviantart and are linked wit
All o0f these beautiful calligraphic wallpapers were made by Shalyn Nelson!
I adore the textures and color palette in these wallpapers created by You by Katie!
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