italian aristocracy
De tant en tant val la pena canviar de técnica,dels olis a la inmediatesa de l'aquarel.la.#aquarel l
Avui s'ha treballat amb guaix#pinturaabstracta#dibuixabstracte#guaix#gouache#gouachepainting#abstrac
Lotus Flower Offering Mudra: “With gratitude in my heart for the blessing of becoming and for
Doble Flujo 2 0 2 0
Data, Storage, Network. Sept 2019.
“All is movement, all change..” July was a tough month for me, but ultimately I
BEgin.BEing. “Be the possibility! Be hope! Be forgiving! Be the purpose! Life is happening
Honoring Ancestors So many before us lived their lives the best way they knew how, often in circums
This girl is on Fire A meditation on the Divine masculine within us❤❤ . . . . . #art #artmeditation
. . . . . . #dibuix#dibuixabstracte #aquarel·la#pintura#pinturaabstracta#art#abstractart #dra
. . . . . . #aquarel·la#dibuixabstracte #pinturaabstracta #art#abstractart #drawing #abstract
Bloc d'esbós. . . . . . #aquarel•la#pinturaabstracta #dibuixabstracte #colors#sketch #sk
Acabat!#aquarella#dibuix#dibuixabstracte #pinturaabstracta #art#watercolor #abstractdrawing #abstrac
Avui toca blau #pintura#pinturaabstracta #dibuixabstracte #aquarella #watercolor #abstractdrawing #a
Eduardo Infante Bricolaje Dragón. 2018. #thebackyard2018drawings Nero di inferno & pa
Eduardo Infante Bravely Valley. #thebackyard2017drawings. Oil & spray on paper. 29 x 21 cm.
Eduardo Infante Backfront. #thebackyard2018drawings Nero di inferno on paper. 70 x 100 cm.
Eduardo Infante Election. 2018. Gesso and acrylic on canvas. 45 x 33 cm.
Eduardo Infante #thebackyard2018drawings. Pastel and Nero di inferno on paper. 29 x 21 cm.
Eduardo Infante The Backyard. 2016. Nero di inferno & golden spray on canvas. 45 x 37 cm.
Eduardo Infante The Backyard : Yamato. 2017. Nero di inferno, pastel & Oil on paper. 29
Eduardo Infante Contra nadie. 2018. Nero di inferno & pastel on paper. 60 x 45 cm.
Aquarel la. Dibuix. Tranquil litat. Calma. Repós. #dibuixabstracte #art#abstractart#drawing #
Acabat? . . . . . #pintura#dibuix#pinturaabstracta #dibuixabstracte #pinturadiaria #art#abstractart#
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