empire thearte
pronunciation | fi-ni-‘fU-gal
victoriousvocabulary: ASTRIFEROUS[adjective]bearing stars; made of stars.Etymology: from Latin astri
victoriousvocabulary: SOLIVAGANT [adjective] 1. wandering alone. [noun] 2. a solitary wanderer. Ety
victoriousvocabulary: SUCCIDUOUS [adjective] 1. falling, in the process of falling. 2. ready to fal
beautiful [byoo-tuh-fuhl] adjective: having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or
onlymonica: more translucence, from a transwoman. What is it about the adjective ‘trans’ that conju
bambiskinny: ▽ e•the•re•al adjective — extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too pe
bieddiediaz:buddie alphabet: rrelieved.adjective. no longer distressed; reassured.
userjiminie: SMITTEN· adjective ·deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, af
eponniia:UNFORGETTABLE adjective. impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
apparant: This is the prime network, meaning;- Adjective Of first importance; main. Here are some b
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