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Full video: RoyalCam chick watches the afternoon albies fly-by, DoC / Cornell Lab
Full video: Helping shy albatross adapt to climate change
Having ocs based on real animals makes for some great quirks you get to build into their character
Foxing - The Medic [X]
Southern royal albatrossPhoto Credit: Gillianne Tedder
White-capped Mollymawk (Thalassarche cauta) aka White-capped albatrossFoveaux Strait, Stewart Island
Studies of seabirds, October 2018
More sideways sketches!
Some sketches!
Black-browed Albatross Chick In Its Nest by Martin Zwick
Mech sketch. Trying out some toning for quicker pieces. Have some fun things lined up in ALBATR
ALBATROSS: The GardenI treated myself over the holidays with the cover for the revamp of ALBATROSS.V
So I’ve had a few people approach me about the future of ALBATROSS and if I intend to continue
party time (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )
ALBATROSS The Ash BearerAlways excited to get back into this world but haven’t had much time a
HAPPY WINTER FESTIVAL! Wanted to do an Albatross piece and show kinda what they celebrate in her wor
ALBATROSS of Depths coverStarted pages for the next part of the story (follows The Well) so here is
zakhartong: ALBATROSS The Well Very excited to be back to this series and glad to bring a different
ALBATROSS The WellVery excited to be back to this series and glad to bring a different light to what
ALBATROSS The Well Cover for a new Albatross short coming out later this month! Very excited to
Some recent character design.
The Rime of the Ancient MarinerA book sculpture by Justin Rowewww.daysfalllikeleaves.com
emigrejukebox:Frans Lanting: A baby albatross is weighed in South Georgia, 1989
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