Ancient Religion
本日のパンストタイツ画像 112日目
Statue of Horemheb, last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, with the god Amun. Artist unknown; ca. 1319-1
Ancient Egyptian column capital (limestone) in the shape of the head of the goddess Hathor. The col
Ancient Egyptian stela (painted limestone) depicting the sculptor Qen worshiping Amenhotep I and Ahm
Hellenistic bronze sculpture of Hermes. Now in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Photo credit:
The goddess Isis greets the 30th Dynasty pharaoh Nectanebo II. Fragment (painted limestone) of the d
Ushabti (glazed and painted steatite) of the chief steward and scribe Seniu. Artist unknown; ca. 15
Monumental marble head of the Roman goddess Juno, wearing a diadem. Found at Vienne (ancient Vienna
ahencyclopedia:ANCIENT PERSIAN RELIGION: ANCIENT Persian religion was a polytheistic faith which cor
Limestone tomb stela of Hetepsi. Artist unknown; ca. 2323-2100 BCE (Old Kingdom). Found at Dendera;
Alabaster canopic jar of Hor-Uahibre. Artist unknown; 664-525 BCE (26th Dynasty, Late Period). Now i
Fun History FactThe ancient Egyptians would mourn the death of a pet cat by shaving their eyebrows.
Ancient Egyptian funerary stele (painted wood) of a man named Aafenmut, showing the deceased making
Head of Zeus. Artist unknown; Flavian period (69-96 CE). From Ephesus; now in the Ephesus Archaeol
Ancient Greek gold ring with a garnet intaglio, depicting either the god Dionysus himself or Ptolemy
Limestone slab depicting Hapy (Hapi), ancient Egyptian god of the annual Nile flooding. Artist unkn
Painted wooden stele from the tomb of Sennedjem (TT 1) at Deir el-Medina. Artist unknown; 19th Dyna
Silver tetradrachm of the polis of Naxos (Sicily). On the obverse, a bearded head of Dionysus, wear
Isis, polycromed wood
Inscribed cartouche in the Temple of Horus, Edfu, bearing the name of Cleopatra VII (r. 51-30 BCE).
Sestertius of Plotina Augusta, wife of the Emperor Trajan, depicting Plotina on the obverse and the
Ancient Egyptian statue (limestone with plaster and paint) of the upper part of a hippo goddess. Ar
Scarab (glazed steatite) inscribed with Menkheperre, the throne name of the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thu
A Brief History of the Christian Nudists — The AdamitesDuring the formative years of Christian
Ancient Egyptian painted stela from a niche in the chapel of Anu. Artist unknown; ca. 1981-1640 BCE
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