ana parisi
autobio comic
amulets of the God Bes.Now in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford…
the twelfth and thirteenth lesson of the Egyptology course “BOOK OF THE AMDUAT, DEITIES AN
amntenofre: the God Horus in His form of sacred falcon spreading His wings in protection and holding
detail of a composite floral capital from the “House of Birth” (the Mammisi) of
Heh, the God of Eternity (one of the Gods of the Ogdoad), kneeling on the symbol for “gold
Hathor-heads standing on the symbol for “gold” and flanked by the Two Goddesses
amntenofre: lovely dog sleeping between the paws of a ram-headed sphinx representing the God Amon-Ra
protective stele with the God Bes holding two snakes in His left and a blade in His right; on the to
the Child-God Ihy (wearing the skullcap with the Uraeus and the sidelock of youth) playing the sistr
the Goddess Hathor enthroned, holding the ‘Ankh’ and the papyrus-scepter.Temple
“This stela illustrates Bes’ concerns with protecting people. It was probably se
amntenofre: the God Horus of Behdet in His form of sacred falcon spreading His wings in protection a
The Pharaoh © Oliver Ler Marinkoski 2020 #pharaoh #egypt #egyptology #king #mummy #themummy #s
This whole scene and movie had some lifelong influence on me #themummy #mummy #karloff #boriskarloff
Egyptian Religious Calendar Today 1 August 2019 - I day of Up-Renepet, the twelfth month of the Egyp
Egyptian Religious Calendar Today 31 July 2019 - XXX day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the Eg
since today is the fourth Epagomenal day dedicated to the celebrations for the birth of the Goddess
Egyptian Religious Calendar Today 30 July 2019 - XXIX day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the E
Egyptian Religious CalendarToday 29 July 2019 - XXVIII day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the
Egyptian Religious CalendarToday 28 July 2019 - XXVII day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the E
Egyptian Religious Calendar Today 27 July 2019 - XXVI day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the E
Egyptian Religious Calendar Today 25 July 2019 - XXIV day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the E
King Ramses II offering a statuette of Maat (that is the offering of Righteousness and Truth to the
faience necklace counterpoise with the aegis of the Goddess Sekhmet (lioness-headed and wearing the
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