yamauchi suzuran
the cover-up
angesirene:Enomoto Seifu-Jo, tr, by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi
angesirene: F.A. Krummacher, The Moss Rose
angesirene: — Anna Akhmatova, In a Dream, tr. by Lenore Mayhew & William McNaughton
angesirene: — James Hogg, Kilmeny
angesirene: Princess Nukada, from Women Poets of Japan, tr. by Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi
angesirene:Adonis, from Beginnings of the Body, Ends of the Sea, tr. by Khaled Mattawa
angesirene:Pablo Neruda - Poema XX, tr. by W.S. MerwinSu voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.
angesirene:Rumi, from The Privileged Lovers, tr. by Fereydoun Kia
angesirene:Adélia Prado - Denouement, tr. by Ellen Doré Watson
angesirene:-Théophile Gautier
angesirene: — Anna Akhmatova, In a Dream, tr. by Lenore Mayhew & William McNaughton
angesirene:Delmira Agustini - On a White Tomb, tr. by Alejandro Cáceres
angesirene:John Milton - Song on May Morning
angesirene: — Yosa Buson, tr. by Cheryl A. Crowley
angesirene:Paul Éluard - I Am Not AloneFilledMy lips with the sweetest fruitsDressedIn a thou
angesirene: Matsuo Bashō - tr. by David Landis Barnhill
angesirene:The Moon and Venus, early this morning ♡
angesirene: — Mary Oliver, The Sun
angesirene:Rumi, from The Privileged Lovers, tr. by Fereydoun Kia
angesirene: The Moon and Venus, early this morning ♡
angesirene: — Adonis, The House of Love, tr. by Mirène Ghossein
angesirene:So this is an accident that happened with my editing software and the image values but i
angesirene:The Moon and Venus, early this morning ♡
angesirene: The Moon and Venus, early this morning ♡
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