baby kittens
orlandobloom:Then Aragorn wondered, for she had seemed of no greater age than he, who had lived yet
Lord of The Rings + The Hobbit vs Ao3 tags Part 13/??
lotrlockedwhovian:aoife1108:The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings → ParallelsI’VE BEEN WAITING FOR TH
dianasofthemyscira:If you trust nothing else… trust this… trust us.The Lord of the Rings: The Two To
arwvn:Arwen Appreciation Week: Day 2 ★ favorite scene- Do you remember when we first met?- I thought
orlandobloom:make me choose: anonymous asked: arwen & aragorn or beren & lúthien?
rhivendell:middle-earth meme: two couples [½] ->arwen and aragorn For a moment Aragorn gazed in s
daenerysn:Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur’s heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound t
ifallelseperished:Then Aragorn wondered, for she had seemed of no greater age than he, who had lived
tossme:“If you trust nothing else… trust this… trust us.”
fuck-yeah-middle-earth:“I shall not go with him when he departs to the Havens; for mine is the choic
faramirs-moved: Let her go…
fuck-yeah-middle-earth:For her love, I fear the Grace of Arwen Undómiel will diminish. (requeste
wrathandruin-blog:..than face all the ages of this world alone
ofhelias:I do not choose paths of peril, Éowyn. Were I to go where my heart dwells, far in the North
coliens: Arwen Appreciation Week: Day 4 ➵ Relationship with Aragorn-Do you remember when we first me
tolkienism:Aragorn and Arwen ~ requested by sherbetmelons
arwenns:Color Meme: LOTR + Autumn Colors(requested by mrspeggymartinelli)
mithrilbilbo:lotr gif battle vs. arwvn 04: relationships
lotrconfessions:Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine love story. But I find Aragorn and Arwen interaction
nirnaetharnoediads:Aragorn and Arwen, The Two Towers
tlotrgifs:Our Favorites: [Day 07/24] Anastasia’s Favorite Couple (Lord of the Rings) ↳ Aragorn and A
daenerysn: If you trust nothing else… trust this… trust us.
peregrint:If you trust nothing else…trust this. Trust us.
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