Artist Doll
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Я Вас Вижу Мои Люди Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #
Мои Люди❤️ Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #artcollec
Мои Люди❤️ Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #artcollec
Мои Люди❤️ Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #artcolle
Мои Люди❤️ Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #artcollec
Мои Люди❤️ ‘Я-Ангел’ 2007 год Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . .
Мои Люди❤️ Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . . . . . . #artcollec
One doll - many faces. Past work.The doll in the left upper corner is the base doll I used for all t
Мои Работы, навигация☘️ My Artworks, navigation Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My Doll
Я Сижу у Реки Фрагмент Н-45см Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sculptures . . . .
Она Пластик, смешанная техника Н-45см; 2009г Вся КУКОЛЬНАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА: #lu_dollsculpture My doll sc
You might think being a shapeshifter means Teddy never has bad hair days… and you’d be mostly
Custom Monster High by @sugarlump_giftshop featuring Retro Dolls US hair. #customdoll #doll #dollhai
Go follow my new BJD Facebook page “Belladonna BJD” :D
Good news, everyone! We (finally) have a release date for Amanita! Yay!She’ll be available for purch
Hey, everyone! Sorry for the lack of news, but here’s a good one: we’ll have Francisca Peach for sal
Hello, everyone!We finished sanding the Amanitas! Yay!And behold the wig! I managed to stylize it ho
Hello, everyone! It’s tomorrow! Amanita will finally release! Yay!She’ll be available for purchase t
Thank you all so much! We’re sold out of Franciscas! I’m so happy and humbled by your support!Now, t
Hello, everyone! Here’s how Amanita looks like without any face-up, so you can begin thinking about
Hello, everyone! Here’s what we’re working on right now: Amanita White skin, fresh off the sanding p
Finished my boy Peter’s faceup finally after a year!! Sooo happy with it I just have to add fr
Doll In Mind Event head - Face Up & ModCleaned up modification on ears and did face up.
Latest bands/artists I’ve recently met/did interviews with. From Top to Bottom: One-Eyed Doll, Sean
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