Backyard Garden
self studying
naked black guy
N House / Sou Fujimoto
A busy canning day! We canned 10 pints of marinara sauce, 14 pints of peach jam, and 8 ½ pint
Backyard summer treats!
pochmaui: Backyard. #santacruzbicycles #allmountain #bicycle #mountainbike #backyard #garden #green
Volunteer sunflowers that are twice as tall as I am in Opa’s garden beds.
enochliew: Hilgard Garden by Mary Barensfeld Architecture The backyard traverses a steeply sloping s
Pinterest , Scandinavian Garden and Patio Designs Ideas For Your Backyard c1a44ea6f592f266e08569985a
Exploring the garden in the winter sun.
This is what resiliency looks like and what hope feels like. Head up, heart strong.
Just picked! Entering our second season of tomatoes. More on the plant. It’s just crazy!!
One of the many tomato plants that’s popped up around the property on its own that even has to
The evening dance by twomeows (away…) on Flickr.
braincoins:lionesshathor:trapqueenkoopa:gardeninglovers:zero light plantsTHIS IS SUCH A SPECIFIC AND
The Design Files Daily
Cannas work well in containers- don’t spread that way!- & this one with the burgundy strip
(Arne Maynard)
Garlic: Always fascinated with the flower bulb shape and the delicate way the stem curves. . . thei
Wilted Peonies (Alternate Title: Life Lessons: Everything Dies: Happy Monday) Not @petesouza ‘
Watching the garden lead a life of its own. (Some of the sunflowers are already 6 feet tall.)
Backyard whistle pig. . munching on some plants the groundhog lives under shed wildlife habitat . #
The formal garden’s reflecting pool with spouting water is framed by ‘Wintergem&
splashesofjoy: Backyard Canopy Garden, Marin, California photo via bing
You never know the wonders you find in your own backyard.Had fun yesterday just spending an hour tak
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