Benozzo Gozzoli
goblin town
fantasy scenery
San Domenico Annunciation, 1449, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: wood,tempera
View of the Apsidal Chapel of Sant'Agostino. Cycle of St. Augustine, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fr
The Raising of Lazarus, 1497, Benozzo Gozzoli
View of the Left Hand Wall of the Chapel, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
Funeral of St. Augustine, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
Scenes from the Life of St. Francis (north wall), 1452, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
Madonna and Child between St. Francis and St. Bernardine of Siena, 1450, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fres
Procession of the Magus Caspar (detail), 1461, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
Madonna and Child Giving Blessings, 1449, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: wood,silk,temperawww.wikiar
benozzo-gozzoli: Fall of Simon Magus, 1462, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: panel,temperawww.wikiart.
benozzo-gozzoli: Procession of the Magus Balthazar (detail), 1461, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
benozzo-gozzoli: Saint Ursula with Angels and Donor (detail), 1455, Benozzo Gozzoli
benozzo-gozzoli: Scenes from the Life of St. Francis (north wall), 1452, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fres
ducotedelestaque: Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-1497) : Procession of the youngest king, detail, 1459-1
St. Sebastian, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
Vision of St. Dominic and Meeting of St. Francis and St. Dominic, 1452, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresc
Saint Ursula with Angels and Donor (detail), 1455, Benozzo Gozzoli
Angel Gathering Flowers in a Heavenly Landscape (detail), 1460, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
The Vintage and Drunkenness of Noah, 1484, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
St. Augustine Departing for Milan, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: frescowww.wikiart.org/en/ben
St. Augustine Suffering from a Toothache, Benozzo Gozzoli, c. 1463-1465, Harvard Art Museums: Drawin
Saint Zenobius Resuscitating a Dead Child, Benozzo Gozzoli, European PaintingsRogers Fund, 1915Size:
Overall view of the Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse, 1484, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
The Four Evangelists, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: frescowww.wikiart.org/en/benozzo-gozzoli/
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