Photo of the Day – The Cinnamon Attila (Attila cinnamomeus) is a large flycatcher found in the lowla
Gray CatbirdBrooklyn Bridge ParkPier 5 uplandsGray Catbird drinking from the only fresh water source
BrantBrooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 4
Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), 02/04/17There’s a pair of jackdaws that have been nesting in thi
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), 07/05/17Finally able to get out of the house for some real close-
Photo of the Day – The Stripe-throated Yuhina (Yuhina gularis) is a member of the white-eye family Z
Western Jackdaws (Coloeus monedula)These two have been nesting in my neighbours’ chimney for two yea
Hermit thrush at the Loch (April 2020)
mikeschanbacher:Indigo Bunting on my walk this morning#indigobunting #bunting #birds #birding #birds
Great horned owl in Portalnesting in a tree at Portal Peak Lodge, Store & Cafe
Mallard (male, female)Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 4 beach
Looking for gift ideas for the nature-lover in your life? Don’t forget to check out my inform
A four-owl day in Central Park (12/8/18)Two barred owls, a northern saw-whet and a great-horned!
Scarlet Ibis - Don’t walk away…
I forgot my binocs back in cincy, but got a few birds for my life list anyway. Blurry birbs, but goo
Ah, grackle season.
Yard stuff — since it isn’t 28˚F at 10am anymore. I know, third and fourth winters will eventu
Mésange bleue - Eurasian Blue Tit
Birds Eye View. Bird Hide at Wheldrake Ings, North Yorkshire, England.If I try these again I will ta
oooooooo:Chinese Mountain Cat – Birding Beijing 北京观鸟
Herring gulls (Larus argentatus)of St Andrews and Ayr, Scotland
birdandmoon: My little Bird and Moon book, Birding Is My Favorite Video Game, comes out today!I made
Full video: Great Crested Grebe Courtship Dance by My Birding Year
A beautiful young Western Sandpiper giving good approaches
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