norway russ
stone troll
gold gifts
Hello everyone! I’m halfway through Six of Crows and I’m loving it!♥️ I&a
I got reviewed! #HOME #books #reading #wordcraftspress #bookstagram #yalit #Repost @capsiclekatie ・
Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a great weekend! So today photo is of course again Si
Which literary character would you love to spend Christmas with? I think it would be so fun to celeb
Sherlock with some of my unread books, including The Knowing, which I have started and is celebratin
#currentlyreading #FanaticalBirdAugust #books #bookish #bibliophile #booklove #bookworm #booknerd #b
Hello everyone! How was your day? I had an insane logistics exam today but I’m hoping that
Hello everyone! I’m with a splitting headache right now so after this I’m going
So here it is! The story of the boy who lived. It’s been 20 years! If you have read some o
Hello everyone! Again with a late night post today photo is of the Heroes of Olympus series♥️
Hello guys! Super late night post. I’m beyond tired from school today I feel like everythi
Hello everyone! Today photo is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I’m not a huge fan of this book
Happy Sunday everyone! Tomorrow begins the madness of the symposium I’m organizing at scho
My new babies have arrived and Marbles just had to lay down on top of Geekerella ♀️♥️ .
Sucky sucky day x10000. No log caption today. . Today photo is The infernal devices by Cassandra Cla
Hello guys! Things are getting serious at the university since we have finals coming up . Today phot
Hello everyone! No I haven’t sleep in almost 24 hours and I’m fineee. I was supp
I finally got my wand! I’m soooo excited that I grabbed the first Harry Potter book and ha
Hello guys!♥️ today photo is of the first 2 books on the 5th wave trilogy. I saw the movie an
Hello everyone! So here’s my second attempt at a rainbow and I think I kinda like this one
Hello everyone! Should be finishing a logistics final project right now but her I am posting and wat
Hello guys! Today photo is pink and purple books two of my favorite colors♥️ . I finished rea
Hello everyone! It’s getting to the end of my semester and I’ve got final projec
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