kristy swanson
pan twardowski
mycenaean period
jumping jacks
My goal for tonight: get all the fiddly bits done, scan finished pages, start in on colour separatio
Now in its 15th year, we are pleased to reveal (and celebrate!) the 2021 winners and finalists for t
Spanning the 1920s to the post-war years, this new selection brings Elizabeth Bowen’s fine
From a tiny crimson pear in the west of England to great chunks of fermented sheep meat in the Faroe
Libro per bambini… Fiera Bologna 1 aprile 4 aprile #Bookchildren #favole #bookchildren #b
More illustrations from a personal project that I am currently working on …Motivation is limi
A small illustration that’s actually surprisingly large from my personal project … I ac
Swipe right to see the illustration, Another illustration for a personal project of mine - This one
Living in late capitalism is just pathetically terrible because even when there is freaking war you
Some illustrations from a little personal project that I am currently working on … uni starte
Here we are, my favorite book that I read in 2018. What was your? .P.S. check out my blog post (link
Some illustrations for a coming folk tale book about seagulls turning into pretty women, wind goddes
The warming weather has us (prematurely) thinking of spring. In that vein here’s a lovely yell
enchantedbook: The Night Sky, a Labyrinth BookIllustration by Robert Ayton, 1965
Белая слива в цвету Только чистое сердце берет В дорогу с собой Лао-цзы /Канэко Тота/ Бумага, аквар
❄️ Crunch, crunch, go the footsteps of the track maker. He is hunched and weary, using a tall staff
Swipe right to see the illustration, Another illustration for a personal project of mine - This one
Officially halfway done inking!! This spread went nice & quickly, thank goodness #otterdays
A new painting! Successfully finished to round out this year, that’s right, it’s
We’re moving homes! I’m in the middle of packing, but I can’t resist s
A sequence from my personal project that sort off looks like a meme - - - ore illustrations from a
More illustrations from a personal project that I am currently working on …Motivation is limi
Living in late capitalism is just pathetically terrible because even when there is freaking war you
A small illustration that’s actually surprisingly large from my personal project … I ac
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